Youth Exchange Host Clubs Wanted!
On Your Mark! Get Ready! Go!!!
We are officially seeking Host Clubs with one identified host family for the 2025-26 school year!! (The second host family can be identified after the student arrives.)
This morning we received the placement of a boy from Brazil, Mateus. He is 15 years old (16 in November), plays soccer and basketball. His application states his English is good.
Get Ready -- Start looking for host families now! We will have 3 more students that will be placed with District 6360. When your club finds a family, and let's me know ASAP, we can specify your request for gender and area of the world. We know we will get one student from each of these regions: Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Asia.
• How about past host families?
• How about families of past Outbound students?
• Contact your foreign language teachers.
• Do you have active 4-H clubs in your area? Make contact with a 4-H leader. Do a presentation.
• Do you have active church youth groups? Make contact with the youth group leader? Do a presentation.
• Do you have an Interact Club? Make a presentation at their Interact Club meeting.
• Talk it up at your Rotary Club meetings. Talk with your Rotary board. Do a presentation.
Do you need a PowerPoint Presentation?? We have one for you! OR I’m happy to come to your club and do a program. Please let me know if I can assist in any way.
Rotary Student Program -- building peace one student and one family at a time.
Sincerely In Rotary,
Margie Haas
D-6360 Young Leaders Coordinator, 2023-2026
D-6360 Rotary Youth Exchange Chair, 2023-2025
Past District 6360 Governor - Rotary Year 2019-2020
Proud Member of Hastings, MI Rotary Club
Cell: 269-838-3392
Home: 269-945-2941
Young Leaders -- Call to Lead!
Special Announcement – New Title: YOUNG LEADERS = CALL TO LEAD!
Rotary International has rolled out a new title for club and district chairs for Youth Service or Youth Programs, now called YOUNG LEADERS.
And with that, Rotary International and your District Leadership ask each club to identify a Rotarian to be chairperson of YOUNG LEADERS’ PROGRAMS.
Further, it is recommended that each club support the chairperson with a committee of at least three (3) members.
We will work with your chairperson to develop a positive working relationship with your school(s) and promote Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Camp, Interact Clubs, Rotary Student Program, and Rotary Youth Exchange.
A marketing campaign and more information will be coming soon.
Please contact Young Leaders’ Program Coordinator Margie Haas with the name of your club’s Young Leaders' Programs Chair at [email protected]; or 269-838-3392.
Rotarians are Leaders! Let’s lead the future with Young Leaders!
What's Up with Youth?
Your District Youth Programs team developed the following mission statement.
To empower emerging young leaders and, through the process, attract adults in their lives to become Rotarians.
Your District 6360 Youth Program Team is committed to assist your club to build strong youth programs. The benefit? The future of Rotary is our youth! And you have a strong pool of new Rotarians!!
Has your club developed a strong working relationship with your middle and high school staff? Do they know about Rotary Youth Programs? Do they know how to contact you? Do they have program materials?
One of the key elements for successful Rotary Youth Programs is working with your high school. A few ideas to try:
- Find out who on the teaching and administrative staff will be your best advocates.
- Will your middle/high school allow you to have a Youth Programs information table at Parent Teacher Conferences?
- Or at athletic events?
- Or at band events?
- Or other high school events?
- Will your middle/high school allow someone from Rotary to give a short presentation to students during their “advisory” class or homeroom or some other general time?
Please contact your Youth Program Team for materials and information! We have banners and information cards.
- It is important to let students know that their participation in Rotary Youth Programs offers them many skills development that they can record on their “Common App” for post-secondary education and careers.
- It is important to let students know that participation in Rotary Youth Programs is fun!
Mark your calendars! District Interact Conference will be May 2-3! (Same as Rotarians.) Make sure your Interact Club is represented! More details will be provided later.
Get involved with your youth! And get involved with their parents! Invite the parents to participate on Rotary programs and projects! Invite the parents to become Rotarians!
For more information contact your District Youth Program Team. Call us!
Interact Chair: Emily Quiggle,, cell 269.986-5588.
Rotary Student Program Chair: Jackie Huie, j[email protected],
Cell: 269.930.1325
RYLA Chair: Don Deibler [email protected], cell: 269.599.1341
Youth Exchange Chair: Margie Haas, [email protected], Cell: 269.838.3392
Youth Protection Officer: Cathy LaValley [email protected] Cell: 269.578.3557
Coldwater Township Sunrise announces Promise Program scholarship recipients

The Kellogg Community College Foundation is pleased to announce $19,500 in total awards to 30 student recipients of the Coldwater Township Sunrise Rotary Promise Scholarship for the 2024-25 academic year.
The recipients of this year’s scholarship include:
- Mukhtar Abdulla, of Coldwater
- Nadwia Alaqrai, of Coldwater
- Baraah Algabri, of Coldwater
- Maram Al-Gabri, of Coldwater
- Ashley Ballinger, of Bronson
- Madison Beckhusen, of Coldwater
- Dezirae Bigelow, of Hillsdale
- Felicia Brown, of Union City
- Candi Frye, of Battle Creek
- Kiara Gilchrest, of Quincy
- Ximena Griffiths, of Angola, Indiana
- MacKenzie Hale, of Athens
- Gabrielle Harris, of Coldwater
- Brooke Hudson, of Coldwater
- Annabelle Kling, of Coldwater
- Brittaine Lewis, of Coldwater
- Alexis Lock, of Quincy
- Steffany Marrero, of Coldwater
- Kaylee McBride, of Coldwater
- Stephanie Miller, of Coldwater
- Miranda Parker, of Olivet
- Macey Randall, of Quincy
- Maddy Ratkowski, of Bronson
- Kristina Richardson, of Quincy
- Ciarra Rumph, of Coldwater
- Julia Smith, of Coldwater
- Abigail Steele, of Coldwater
- Mariam Thabet, of Coldwater
- Kaylee Withington, of Coldwater
- Madison Wrobel, of Coldwater
Each recipient received between $500 and $1,500 for the 2024-25 academic year.
Promise Scholarship Expansion
Eligible scholarship recipients must either reside in Branch County or have graduated from a Branch County high school or home school and – up to this year – must have been accepted to or enrolled in one of KCC’s health or skilled trades programs.
This summer, Promise Team members approved an expansion beginning with the 2025-26 academic year for the scholarship to cover students pursuing associate degrees in mental or behavioral health fields not already covered by the scholarship, such as human services, psychology or social work.
In addition to the residency requirement, eligible students applying for the scholarship from these fields must have the equivalent of one year of successful academic achievement (credits) in the relevant associate degree area and must be in good academic standing at KCC.
Applications will open to these students when the general KCC Foundation scholarship application period for 2025-26 opens on Dec. 1.
About the Promise Scholarship
The Coldwater Township Sunrise Rotary Promise Scholarship was established with an initial three-year grant of $60,000 in 2019 and a four-year grant of $80,000 in 2022 from the Coldwater Township Sunrise Rotary Foundation. More than 150 scholarships have been awarded totaling over $130,000 since the Sunrise Promise Scholarship Program was launched in 2019.
Funds for the Promise Scholarship program have been secured due to generous gifts from the Thomas Bott Donor Advised Fund; the Hal and Lillian Creal Fund; the George and Kathie Babcoke Trust; Southern Michigan Bank & Trust; Century Bank and Trust; ProMedica Coldwater Regional Hospital; and Clemens Food Group; as well as support from members of the Coldwater Township Sunrise Rotary Club and its Foundation.
In early 2024 the Promise Endowment Fund that was created in 2019 to perpetually sustain the Promise Program surpassed $500,000 and continues to grow with the support of club members, the business community and private donations.
Recently the Coldwater Township Sunrise Rotary Foundation Board approved two additional actions. In addition to expanding scholarship eligibility to students in mental and behavioral health fields, funding for the Promise Program was increased from up to $20,000 per year to up to $25,000 per year.
“The KCC Foundation is excited to continue its partnership with the Coldwater Township Sunrise Rotary for this amazing program that is making a positive impact,” Michelle Williamson, executive director of the KCC Foundation, said. “We are excited to steward this grant fund, especially with the increase in funding and Promise Program coverage to the benefit of our students and the communities in Branch County, and we applaud the efforts of the Rotary to help raise the level and quality of education in the region.”
For more information about the Coldwater Township Sunrise Rotary Promise Scholarship Program, call Promise Project Communication Liaison Jon Harpst at 517-202-7849 or visit
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Youth Programs
Latest News - What’s Up with Youth
OPPORTUNITIES: Through Youth Programs, students become more confident, experienced, college and career ready!
Youth Programs = Your Club Young and Vibrant!!
District 6360 Rotary Youth Programs
Emily is your new 2024-25 District Interact Chair serving your clubs and Interact Clubs!
She is second generation Rotarian, following her father, Judge Bill Doherty. She was an Interact member at Hastings High School and attended RYLA Camp and Advanced RYLA Camp. After receiving her Bachelor’s Degree from MSU, she returned home to Hastings and joined the Hastings Rotary Club in 2015. . She has served on the District RYLA Camp team for since 2018. Emily became Hastings Rotary Club’s youngest president in 2018, serving in 2018-2019. When living at home she was host sister to youth exchange students. She is the Hastings High School Interact Advisor and has attended the past two District Interact Conferences. She has served on the District RYLA Camp team for since 2018. She brings a wealth of ideas and experience to this position.
Youth Exchange
Our new youth exchange students for 2024-25 will be arriving by mid-August! They are:
Lulu from Belgium – living in Eaton Rapids, hosted by Eaton Rapids Rotary Club
Stefan from Poland – living in East Lansing, hosted by Haslett-Okemos Rotary Club
Ondrej from Czech Republic – living in Centreville, hosted by Sturgis Rotary Club
Alston from Twain – living in Jackson, hosted by Jackson-Breakfast Rotary Club
Please wish Natalia from Portage, sponsored by the Portage Rotary Club best wishes as she will be leaving for Germany in early August for her year-long exchange!
LET’S GO! NOW IS THE TIME TO Connect with your high school to seek applicants for Outbound students for 2025-26 school year. Connect with:
- Foreign language and/or English teachers
- 4-H groups
- Interact clubs
- Faith based youth groups
- Your RYLA Camp attendees
After the Rotary Club interview and approval, the student and parents are referred to the District Rotary Outbound Coordinator, Marsha Bassett for the formal Central States Rotary Youth Exchange Application. We will interview all students and their parents that have been referred to the District Outbound Coordinator on Saturday, November 9.
The student application process will be available on the District Website. It starts with students completing an application to your Rotary Club. Your Rotary club then interviews the student and their parents to see if they are a good fit for the exchange program. This application and interview must be completed by September 30!!
After the Rotary Club interview and approval, the student and parents are referred to the District Rotary Outbound Coordinator, Marsha Bassett for the formal Central States Rotary Youth Exchange Application. We will interview all students and their parents that have been referred to the District Outbound Coordinator on Saturday, November 9.
Rotary Youth Exchange is a rewarding “Scholarship” program. Students receive full room, board, education, and stipend when on exchange. Average cost per student including airfare is approximately $8,000.00. It’s the cheapest exchange program available, because all of the personnel are Rotarian volunteers!!!
For More Information on promoting Outbound Students, contact:
- Marsha Bassett, Outbound District Chair, Contact
- Cell: 269-998-2829, or
- Margie Haas, District RYE Chair, Contact
- Cell: 269-838-3392
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